TranTech ChemPlan &em; The Decision Support System For The Chemical Process Industries

TranTech Consultants, Inc




TranTech Consultants, Inc.

TranTech / ChemPlan Logo

     TranTech Consultants, Inc. was founded in 1981 to provide an innovative approach to strategic decision making for the Chemical Process Industries (CPI).

It is a privately held corporation of the state of Pennsylvania.

     Aligoli Amir Nazmi Afshar is the principal founder and president of TranTech. He has a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Stanford University. He also holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in Chemical Engineering and Business from Stanford, University of California at Berkeley, and Tehran University where he was ranked number one. His professional experience comprises over thirty years of senior level management and staff positions in industry, including TranTech, Stauffer Chemical, Stanberk, Bechtel, and Hercules. Since forming TranTech in 1981, his expertise includes strategic planning, database structure design, chemical engineering, plant and process design, market research and research and development. He is the inventor of ChemPlan, a database/software decision support system, used by the CPI since 1986.

     Partha Pratim Das is a Programmer Analyst for TranTech's Internet and desktop applications. He is a graduate of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He holds a BS degree in computer science with 5 years of experience in database design and programming.

     John (Chieh-Lang) Huang is the Polymers Business Manager. He holds BS/MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from Shanghai University of Engineering Science and University of California at Berkeley. He has over twenty years of experience in marketing, sales and product support at Sinopec and several multinational companies in China.

     Kamal Nusaev is the Intermediate Organic Chemicals Business Manger. He holds a Master's degree in Organic and Petroleum Chemistry from Buku State University in Azarbaijan. His experience includes 12 years of R&D, marketing and planning at Lukoil Overseas BVI Limited and Turkiye Petrolerri A.O.

     Jeffrey F. Holmes is the Water Soluble Resins and Superabsorbent Polymers Business Manager. He holds a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science at Manchester University. Jeffrey has over 20 years of experience working for Ciba Specialty Chemicals in marketing, process engineering and business development.

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